Vanbrugh Castle School

View from the Roof

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View from the Roof

The first picture is a view from the castle roof, looking towards the city, in about 1955.

Greenwich park in the foreground with boating pool. Beyond that are the twin domes of the Royal Naval College and close by the National Maritime Museum. The three masts of the Cutty Sark (recently opened by the Queen) can be seen just to the right of the three chimneys of Deptford power station on the left. In the far distance (middle) is Tower Bridge and St. Paul’s Cathedral.

These next three photos are dated 1910, 1980, and 2019. They show how the landscape has changed on the north side of The Thames. All views are from the Greenwich Royal Observatory.

Ray Reeder, who sent in these pictures, thinks the new landscape would be more appropriate in China.